Back to the Future (GMT +1)

Vacation is Over (for now)
I started writing this post the moment we got back from our trip to the US, but as usual, I slacked off and never finished writing it.

We had a lot of mixed feelings being back home again. With the exception of a very brief business trip, we hadn't been back in town since our wedding almost two years ago. We've been feeling quite homesick, so it was nice to get a fix of some good Mexican food and to be back home with friends and family.

Naturally, this brought up the question about when to come back again-- which we've been struggling to figure out since we decided to up and move to Paris "for a year or so". If we could transplant everyone we love over here with us, there wouldn't be anything to consider at all.

So how about it guys, wouldn't you all like 7 weeks of paid leave for vacations a year? We can always put out the air-mattress...

Libellés :


Blogger Jennifer @ mercredi, novembre 07, 2007 7:34:00 AM said...  
Sounds GOOD TO ME!

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