Notre 3ème Fête du Muget

Fête du Muget
The third year around, and we were experts on exactly what to expect for the Fête du Muget. But instead of roaming the neighborhoods searching for the sweet smelling flowers we decided to go hunting in its natural habitat. So we did like the Parisiens do on a beautiful sunny day: get the hell out of the city and go to where it is green with fresh air.

So we took the train outside the city to one of our favorite hiking spots, the Forêt de Fontainebleau. It was actually our third time exploring, although the last two times were during the winter. It's a reminder for us ex-Californians that the rest of the world truly does have four seasons. Going in the spring time was a completely different experience. The forest was alive with birds and insects, and colorful with blooming trees and wildflowers and lush green foliage.

You can try to bug the bookworm into posting a handful of her few hundred photos on Flickr...

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